Gangling Liao, Ph.D. is a Staff Scientist I in the Drug Discovery Division of the Lieber Institute. He received a Ph.D. degree in Biophysics and Pathology from Peking Union Medical College, China. His Ph.D. study focused on heptocarcinogenesis and gained direct evidence in vivo that the liver preneoplastic cells are originated from the liver stem cell, not from existing mature hepatocytes. Dr. Liao received his postdoctoral training and Research Association position from Professor Diane Hayward Virol Oncology Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine. He has research on EBV encodes conserved protein kinase BGLF4 and its mechanisms with EBV Lytic replication (By mass spectrometry analysis and EBV protein microassay) and on KSHV latency-associated-nuclear antigen (LANA) and its associated proteins involved in cell phosphorylation signalling by which effect on cell growth and resistance to cell death. Dr. Gangling Liao have worked extensively in the fields of cellular and molecular biology, viral oncology and specialize in cloning, cellular proteins over or lockdown expression and protein purification, bio-molecular interactions assay, viral DNA replication, protein phosphorylation and other cell signaling pathways study. Recently He has been focus on drug development for psychiatric disorders. This includes assay development for several drug targets as well as studies on the molecular mechanisms of several potential targets.
Phosphoproteomic Profiling Reveals Epstein-Barr Virus Protein Kinase Integration of DNA Damage Response and Mitotic Signaling. Li R, Liao G, Nirujogi RS, Pinto SM, Shaw PG, Huang TC, Wan J, Qian J, Gowda H, Wu X, Lv DW, Zhang K, Manda SS, Pandey A, Hayward SD. PLoS Pathog. 2015 Dec 29;11(12). PMID: 26714015 A Screen for ERK Primed GSK-3 Substrates Identifies the p53 Inhibitor iASPP. Woodard C, Liao G, Goodwin CR, Hu J, Xie Z, Dos Reis TF, Newman R, Rho H, Qian J, Zhu H, Hayward SD. J Virol. 2015 Sep. vol. 89 no. 18 9232-9241. PMID: 26109723