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Richard E. Straub, Ph.D. is a Senior Research Scientist at the Lieber Institute. His research focuses on the identification and characterization of genes and neurobiological mechanisms influencing the clinical and intermediate (“biological”) phenotypes that comprise schizophrenia. He has implemented high throughput systems for characterizing genetic variation, linkage disequilibrium (LD) mapping, and statistical analysis of epistatic interactions, incorporating expression data in an integrated bioinformatics framework. Dr. Straub received a B.S. in synthetic organic chemistry from New College and a Ph.D. from the Department of Cell Biology and Genetics at Cornell University Medical College. Dr. Straub served as Director of the Molecular Genetics Laboratory in the Department of Psychiatry at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). In 2001, he joined the Genes Cognition and Psychosis Program (GCAP) of the intramural research program of the National Institute of Mental Health as a Senior Research Fellow. At GCAP, he carried out numerous candidate gene studies as well as genome wide association studies, discovering numerous additional schizophrenia susceptibility genes.

Selected Publications

Selected Publications

Stefanis NC, Hatzimanolis A, Avramopoulos D, Smyrnis N, Evdokimidis I, Costas N, Stefanis CN, Weinberger DR, Straub RE. Variation in Psychosis Gene ZNF804A Impacts on a Refined Schizotypy Phenotype But Not Cognition in a Large Young Male Population. 2012; In press, Schizophrenia Bulletin.

Iizuka Y, Sei Y, Weinberger DR, Straub RE. Evidence That the BLOC-1 Protein Dysbindin Modulates Dopamine D2 Receptor Internalization and Signaling But Not D1 Internalization. Journal of Neuroscience 2007; 27(45): 12390-95.

Straub RE, Egan MF, Goldberg TE, Callicott JH, Hariri A, Vakkalanka RK, Balkissoon R, Weinberger DR. Allelic Variation in GAD1 (GAD67) is Associated with Schizophrenia and Influences Cortical Function and Gene Expression. Molecular Psychiatry 2007; 12:854-69.

Straub RE, Jiang Y, MacLean CJ, Ma Y, Webb BT, Myakishev MV, Harris-Kerr C, Wormley B, Sadek H, Kadambi B, Cesare AJ, Gibberman A, Wang X, O’Neill FA, Walsh D, Kendler KS. Genetic Variation in the 6p22.3 Gene DTNBP1, the Human Ortholog of the Mouse Dysbindin Gene, is Associated with Schizophrenia. American Journal of Human Genetics 2002; 71(2): 337-348.

Straub, RE, MacLean CJ, O’Neill FA, Burke J, Murphy B, Duke, F, Webb BT, Zhang J, Walsh, D, Kendler, KS. A Potential Vulnerability Locus for Schizophrenia on Chromosome 6p24-22: Evidence for Genetic Heterogeneity. Nature Genetics 1995;