Eugenia Radulescu, M.D., Ph.D. joined the Lieber Institute in 2013, as a Research Scholar in the Clinical Sciences division. She earned her M.D. and Ph.D. at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “C. Davila” Bucharest, Romania and practiced as a psychiatrist for thirteen years before switching to a career in psychiatric research. In 2003-2009 she was a post-doctoral fellow in Dr. Weinberger’s lab, Clinical Brain Disorders Branch, NIMH/ NIH. There Eugenia acquired expertise in neuroimaging methods- structural and functional MRI. Together with the colleagues from the Neuroimaging Core, she used these methods to investigate the effects of schizophrenia risk genetic variants on well characterized neuroimaging intermediate phenotypes. In 2010-2014 Eugenia was a visiting fellow at Brighton and Sussex Medical School and Sackler Center for Consciousness Science in United Kingdom, where she continued to use MRI for studying brain structural and functional abnormalities associated with neurodevelopmental disorders (i.e. schizophrenia and autism). In the Division of Clinical Sciences at the Lieber Institute, she pursues her long standing interest in applying complex fMRI analytical methods to test genetic epistasis effects on brain networks relevant as novel drug targets in neurodevelopmental disorders.